Aval Payasam (Flattened rice pudding)

Are you scratching your head to make a dessert under 10 mins. Then here you go this is the easiest payasam / kheer than you can make with aval / poha (Flatten rice) . Flatten rice is easily digestible and cookable without compromising the taste.

Usually for


festival avalakki (Flatten rice + Jaggery mixture) but i went one step further and made this heavenly Delicious payasam / kheer.

Preparation time: less than 5 mins

Cooking time: 10 mins

Serves : 2 cups


  • Aval / Poha / Flatten Rice - 1 cup
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Jaggery - 1/2 cup (shredded)
  • Saffron - few strands 
  • ghee - 1 tsp  +  1 tsp
  • Cashew nuts - 5 or 6


In a pan, dry roast flatten rice (aval) for a minute. Then to that add a tsp of ghee and saute for a minute until they tend to shrink. Then add jaggery and mix together, cook until the jaggery is melted and coats a layer over flatten rice.

Then to that add a cup of milk and let it boil, in 3 mins or so all the milk will be absorbed by Aval / poha. Now add rest of the milk and saffron and boil for another couple of minutes.

In a tadka add ghee and shallow fry cashew nuts and add it too the payasam.

Enjoy and Happy Cooking !! :)